Sunday, May 30, 2010

Innovation week activities: Pictures

Week 3- Innovation week essay

Innovation week activity with Ms. Silvia Castro

The best education

Is it true that Costa Rica is a country characterized by having one of the best education systems in the world? Education must be improved by teachers with a very clear understanding of how important is the job that they have been performing, which is to form and instruct persons. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the word “educate” means: “To provide with schooling. To develops mentally and morally; also to provide with information.” Teachers are the ones that contribute in the formation, education and instruction of good citizens for the future. So in my opinion this job must be performed in a responsible and significant manner. Educators must improve their classes in a dynamic, interactive and innovative way.

Teachers should teach in a very dynamic way. Classes must be the most exciting process of learning in our life. Not always the same story of everyday. Professors must teach their classes with much enthusiasm. Trying not to become the classes heavily and tedious for the students. Teachers also must have the initiative to make some classes different from the instructional package that had been established. They must give the lessons with different and motivating activities improving the topics in a very dynamic form never turning off from the purpose of the lesson. So it not will be one day more of the boring schedule on the contrary; it will encourage the pupils to feel more thrilled about keeping on in learning process. It also will maintain the students more alert and focused on the topic. Pedagogues must also take in account the issue of that every single student has a different manner to learn, so they ought to improve their lessons in many difference ways. That’s why professors must make dynamical classes.

edagogues must also instruct classes in an innovative way. Teachers must introduce teaching strategies more adapted to our globalized world. The use of technical tools will draw the pupil’s attention. Classes improved with innovative methods will guide the students to face the actual technological world with a strong sword, which is the knowledge about it. It will also prepare them to become good users and masters of this advanced tools by the time they begin working. An innovative environment is important in the construction of the students because by more rich is an environment it increases and activates more neurons of the brain. Educators must have innovative manners of teaching.

n addition, professors must improve classes with more interaction between students and the teacher. There must be a close connection and communication between both. The educator must have the initiative to encourage or give their pupils the opportunity to participate and give their opinions, contributions or doubts about the topic. In lessons there must exist a continuing exchange with dialogues and formal discussions. This will make the classes more attractive and interesting for all who is in the classroom; and also it will lead the schoolchildren to be more inquisitive. Pedagogues must establish a trusting relationship with their kids. An open and direct communication with them will be the greatest thing they should do. They must leave the pupils contribute and express themselves respectfully with their perspective about the topic. That’s why interactive lessons must be improved by teachers.

Classrooms are full of eclectic students, so the job of teaching is not a very easy labor. Teacher must be responsible of the learning of each one of them. In a near future I am going to be in this same position; and I hope to do it the better I can, but now I will like to just motivate all the educators to teach with love and passion. If they do it, they would develop excellent results. Professors are the ones charge of stimulating their students to become good and prominent professionals. Teachers must improve their classes based on teaching methods more dynamical, interactive and innovative.

Testimony of teen addicts

Week 2- Addiction essay

Marijuana addiction causes

We all live in a society that is daily bombarded by drugs and other types of addictions. I have a boy friend who was the one that always advised me that I should take the best decisions in my life. One day we went to a party, and his friends offered him some of the marijuana drug. At the beginning he refused it, but after a few minutes of a strongly insistence, he decided to try it. He began smoking by day one cigarette of marijuana, but this quantity increased during the days until he became an addict to marijuana. Nowadays these cases are more common daily in our society. The addicts to this kind of substances think that they have more power than then, but unfortunately it is the contrary because by the time they choose the option of trying it; their body start demanding for more of the same. Marijuana addiction is caused by psychological, professional, and social reasons.

Marijuana addiction is caused by psychological reasons. People can suffer from low self- esteem because they do not agree or feel well with the body they have, or because their parents, friends, or society discriminate them. The addict begins to see in this drug the way to escape from the reality and depression. Moreover, if someone has a curious personality, he or she will be more vulnerable to experiment “the magic” of this drug. One who has been suffering of mental illnesses is also very susceptible to get involve in the marijuana addiction because of his or her lower mental capacity to distinguish the difference between what is good or bad, so this person can be tricked by a mindful marihuana addict to engage in this addiction too. Furthermore, somebody who had experienced a traumatic event in his or her life may seek for refuge in the marijuana drug. That’s why marijuana is originated by psychological motives.

This common addiction is also caused by professional reasons. The stress caused by works and other duties required by several jobs and universities influence people to experience some peaceful feelings, being drugs the easier way to achieve this stillness. Those persons who are unemployed or flunked their studies haven’t had the way to success, so they try to erase the situation with the use of marijuana. Also some jobs demand strong or physical labors, and marijuana becomes their daily substance for energy increase. That’s how professional reasons caused marijuana addiction.

Addicts to the marijuana drug are influenced by social reasons. The peer pressure is one of the most important social aspects. When someone is harassed by his or her friends to use this harmful drug; even though this person begins to refuse it, they keep on insisting or they just start putting him or her aside until he or she accept use ones more the drug. It is common to see this example in teenagers because they pretend they are cool by following others. Many addicts begin smoking or using this drug because they are never being involve in recreational activities or in any kind of sports. They carry a boring life, so the lack of positive entertainment guides them into this negative practice which is daily offered to us in the streets. Regrettably, addicts find in the marijuana drug the best relaxing and pleasurable activity. These are some of the social reasons that make many people become addicted to the marijuana drug.

Our superficial world presents to the people the worst things in a wonderful and amazing form. Drugs are constantly offered to us in everywhere even in our education institutions. People and mainly the young community do not have to be carried away by these kinds of illusions and fantasies. These types of harmful “entertainment” will guide you directly to the death with a path full of many trouble and dangerous situations. The decision is in your hand!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

More about me: Images

¡Tus propias imágenes en una Slideshow para MySpace, Facebook, orkut o tu página web!mostrar todos los imagenes de esta slideshow

Friday, May 14, 2010

Personal Presentation

My name is Skeisha Sheriff Smith. I am 17 years old. I was born in port Limon. I have been living in San Jose with my cousin because I am studying at Ulacit university to become an English teacher and translator. I am full of positivism. Sometimes I am too perfectionist in the case of doing my tasks because I always try to do quality works. I do not go to bed until I done my homework well. I love my family, we are very close. I don’t have any kind of pets since I don’t like them so much. I am a happy person. I love to study a lot. I enjoy making lively activities.

I am a happy person. I like to sit with my friends and make jokes or go out and have some fun. In my family meetings at the moment we decide to play some games, I enjoy imitating celebrities; this is a cool pastime. Moreover I like to lead the games of the kid’s party of my community and encourage them to enjoy the activity. This is why I am a cheerful person.

I love to spend time studying and learning about different topics. For me studies are the principal key to become a better person and to stand out among the rest that is why I like to study a lot and acquire all types of knowledge. When I have some free time, I like to study and read English or Science books. Sometimes I am a lazy girl, but concerning my grades; I like to have good scores, and when it is time to study I really enjoy it. Studying is the main way to obtain my goals and making it enjoyable is exciting for me.

I consider myself as a lively person. I like to be a dynamic student and participate in the most activities of my university I can. I like sports such as track and field, volleyball and basketball. Regrettably, two years ago I stopped training high jump because the trainings were interrupting my high school studies. Go to basketball games is one of my entertainments. Do lively activities are part of my daily living; these are some of the reasons I am lively person.

nowing me is a cool and very nice experience. I like to establish good relationships with others. I am a happy and lively person, but studying is one of the many activities I enjoy doing. Just accept the opportunity to know me better. Would you like to accept the chance?
