Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Other reading and writting class' essays
Essay of the movie
“Little Miss Sunshine”
June, 2010
June, 2010
The darkness of Suicide
Suicide is an act of violence against oneself. As a surprise after deeply research I end up getting the information that suicide is the leading cause of violent death in the world. There is a study published by the Foundation Amor a la Vida which said that in the last decade there are around one million two hundred thousand of people that have committed suicide per year. Almost those who try to kill themselves are facing some kind of extreme depression. Untreated depression is the number one cause for making someone decides to stop living. They are many different types of depressions caused for several reasons such as for a divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship. It can also be for the reason of an illness, or for sexual abuses.
Many people die by suicide because they experience a divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship in their life. In the movie “Little Miss Sunshine” there was a character who was Olive’s uncle named Frank. The movie presents to us the case of Frank as a man who fell in love with another man that did not feel the same for him, so after going through a deep depression he tries to kill himself. Fortunately it did not work, and as a result he continues alive. These cases are more common in our society, but not always people have the luck to continue with live. If someone develops a very important or strong feeling to another person, and instead of receiving affection; he or she is rejected by this person the situation will probably have a bad end. Furthermore, the habit of being married for many years, or to have a person as a couple for a very long time will make people develop dependence and necessity of being always with this person. So this situation can after become a main aspect of making a person choose the decision of ending with his or her life. That’s how people die by suicide because of a divorce, separation, breakup of a relationship.
Most of the people select the option of killing themselves because they have su
ffered some kind of illness. By the time a person receives the diagnosis of an illness or a terminal illness; he or she will drop in a very strong depression and loss of hope. It is certain that thorough the mind of this person will pass the thought of preferring being dead than alive. Also the experience of feeling always bad and sick will probably guide people to have very pessimistic thoughts about life. So this is how those people who are facing an illness are more susceptible to drop in the trap of suicide.
A person can also die by suicide for the reason of suffering sexual abuses. This type of traumatic event in people’s lives tends to guide most of them through the easier road which is suicide. The sequence of being constantly disrespected and abused leads many people to long periods of silent, low self-esteem, and depression. Those are three strong and main facts that make someone try to erase themselves from this world. So this is how someone can die by suicide for sexual abuses.
is becoming a global epidemic. I think that there many people killing themselves because of the lack of power that they have to resist life problems. But suicide should not be the way to escape from those tribulations. People must have love for themselves and also be patient, perseverant, and strong to struggle against those terrible situations. Suicide will only make you avoid problems without really confronting them.
Many people die by suicide because they experience a divorce, separation, or breakup of a relationship in their life. In the movie “Little Miss Sunshine” there was a character who was Olive’s uncle named Frank. The movie presents to us the case of Frank as a man who fell in love with another man that did not feel the same for him, so after going through a deep depression he tries to kill himself. Fortunately it did not work, and as a result he continues alive. These cases are more common in our society, but not always people have the luck to continue with live. If someone develops a very important or strong feeling to another person, and instead of receiving affection; he or she is rejected by this person the situation will probably have a bad end. Furthermore, the habit of being married for many years, or to have a person as a couple for a very long time will make people develop dependence and necessity of being always with this person. So this situation can after become a main aspect of making a person choose the decision of ending with his or her life. That’s how people die by suicide because of a divorce, separation, breakup of a relationship.
Most of the people select the option of killing themselves because they have su

A person can also die by suicide for the reason of suffering sexual abuses. This type of traumatic event in people’s lives tends to guide most of them through the easier road which is suicide. The sequence of being constantly disrespected and abused leads many people to long periods of silent, low self-esteem, and depression. Those are three strong and main facts that make someone try to erase themselves from this world. So this is how someone can die by suicide for sexual abuses.

“Suicide should be regarded as a weakness of man because undoubtedly it is easier to die than endure a life with relentless bitterness.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Posted by Skeisha at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Week 13- How poverty can be reduced
How poverty can be reduced
After the recent economic depression many banks, families, and business around the world faced strongly economical reductions on their finances, even our country Costa Rica was affected by this terrible situation. This was one fact that helped poverty increases. The reduction of poverty in our country will be a huge challenge; it will not be an easy task, but neither impossible. It is a mission in which all of us as civilians should get involved in; every single help is necessary.
There are some situations which cause poverty in our country such as the lack of job opportunities, lack of academic studies, families with large number of members, social influence, families with just one parent who provides the house’s incomes, and many other facts. Taking into account these issues which cause poverty; I believe that poverty could be reduced starting first by treating all the citizens equally; without discriminations and power abuses from political leaders and the society.
Later than this, concerning the business aspects; the government should improve in all citizens, business knowledge. In order to make, if it is possible, that each family in this country own and start their business. The improvement of small and medium sized enterprises will make our country economy increases, and at the same time those people will acquire incomes. Moreover, there should be offering free planning finance courses and others of steps to plan budgets in order to make this business keep on in the market. Additionally, poverty could also be reduced, if the political leaders begin making business with international companies for get them to come to our country; thus, there will be more job opportunities for Costa Rica’s citizens.

Furthermore, some ways to reduce the problems of families with large number of members could be by having psychologist or specialist in the birth control area; visiting each house, mainly the country side’s houses, in order to explain to the people the consequences of having a lot of kids and also to provide contraceptive methods.
These are pieces of advice about some feasible ways to reduce poverty in our country. As I mentioned before, it is a problem that exists around the world. Poverty it is a state in which every one of us could be, the day of tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to help those who are needed and contribute with the most we can.
There are some situations which cause poverty in our country such as the lack of job opportunities, lack of academic studies, families with large number of members, social influence, families with just one parent who provides the house’s incomes, and many other facts. Taking into account these issues which cause poverty; I believe that poverty could be reduced starting first by treating all the citizens equally; without discriminations and power abuses from political leaders and the society.
Later than this, concerning the business aspects; the government should improve in all citizens, business knowledge. In order to make, if it is possible, that each family in this country own and start their business. The improvement of small and medium sized enterprises will make our country economy increases, and at the same time those people will acquire incomes. Moreover, there should be offering free planning finance courses and others of steps to plan budgets in order to make this business keep on in the market. Additionally, poverty could also be reduced, if the political leaders begin making business with international companies for get them to come to our country; thus, there will be more job opportunities for Costa Rica’s citizens.

Furthermore, some ways to reduce the problems of families with large number of members could be by having psychologist or specialist in the birth control area; visiting each house, mainly the country side’s houses, in order to explain to the people the consequences of having a lot of kids and also to provide contraceptive methods.
These are pieces of advice about some feasible ways to reduce poverty in our country. As I mentioned before, it is a problem that exists around the world. Poverty it is a state in which every one of us could be, the day of tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to help those who are needed and contribute with the most we can.
Posted by Skeisha at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Week 12- Uses of music to relief pain
The healing sound of music
Music is everywhere; in every path we give. When we hear the word music, we think and feel many things. But it is interesting to know that the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines music as: “The science or art of combining tones into a composition, having structure and continuity; also vocal or instrumental sounds having melody, rhythm, or harmony.” Music has the power of influencing human beings’ character and attitude. Nowadays we use the music for many activities; one of them can be for spiritual development. Music is considered an art that everyone can enjoy, for good of for bad. It has existed since the world was created; from the antiquity it always plays a very important paper in our society and a vital part of many cultural identities. Music becomes a fundamental channel of communication in which people can share meanings, emotions, and intentions.
Music can exert powerful effects; it can produce deep and thoughtful emotions in us. It can be used to generate or relief us from physical or psychological pains. In some countries people use the sound waves in order to hurt others. There was a case in a country in which the government utilized some strong sound waves to expel a man out of his house; this relevant case shows how powerful sounds can be. Nevertheless, music can also be used as therapy; a person can be relieved from pain by the sound of relaxing and healing music. Many pregnant women accustom to play relaxing music to stimulate the fetus, sense, and the baby’s character. Scientific studies have proven that many of people’s attitudes and behaviors can be changed by the kind of music they listen to.
On top of

Currently, music is playing a great role in the everyday lives of a lot of people than at any other time in the past. Our musical preferences can become an important statement of our values and attitudes; composers solely use their music to express their own distinctive views of the world. Music can be used as a mean by which we formulate and express our individual identities, and to present ourselves to others in the way we prefer.

Music is useful to introduce or express to others with power and transparency the identity of a person or nation; however, the healing power that it has on people is very impressive and amazing. For many people, music is an important part of their lives; so I will just like to invite you to enjoy the incredible benefits of music.
“As a coping strategy music may have its place, along with the likes of relaxation and aromatherapy.”
Arthritis Research Campaign
Posted by Skeisha at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Week 11- Letter to the organizer (UFEST)
Wednesday August 11, 2010
Good morning:
Mr/s. Ufest organizer:
Mr/s. Ufest organizer:
I would like to congratulate you for such wonderful, educational, and inspiring activities that you schedule during the University Festival. I think that they were very interesting for each one of the ULACIT’s students. Even though I couldn’t attend all of them, the ones I attended were very interacting, but the most important thing is that I learn a lot from them.
ULACIT is an admiring and prestigious university that form professionals and educate persons. It is a university which worries about the formation of citizens and students as a whole.
The first activity I attended, I had the pleasure of learning about the food dishes of many countries such as Brazil, Spain, The United States, and others; dishes that I have never heard nor knew before. Furthermore, my knowledge increases with some history concerning music and cinematography. This activity, which the Composition’s students were in charge of, overpasses my expectations. It was a very enriching activity in all those areas.
Then I attended the Escats’ concert, which was very nice. Before this concert I have never known anything about this national band, but after it I staid impressed about the band members’ voices and the meaningful lyrics of each song they sang. During the concert, Escats members’ gave us some small speeches and anecdotes. From those anecdotes I learned how we as persons should start to appreciate those who are around us caring for us, and also to do not let others take away our dreams and goals.
Finally, in one day I enjoyed of two activities. The first one I attended was in the lobby where there were a national band group and dancers dressed with cultural clothing presenting some of the typical dances of Costa Rica. After their presentation; some people started to share us a few traditional and typical dishes of our country. In the other activity I attended; there were presentations about the history, geography, fauna, flora, religion, clothing, and many other aspects from countries such as Australia, New Zeeland, Slovakia, England, etc… In both activities l leaned about my county and other countries around the world. I consider all this information very useful because I will be able to apply it in any moment of my life, regardless of my profession.
We as students should be educated in all areas from the cultural, professional to the civic, and that is what this kind of activities such as the UFEST do. Great job Mr/s. Organizer!
Best regards
Skeisha Sheriff Smith
ULACIT English Teaching and Translation’s student
Posted by Skeisha at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Week 10- Women at the military essay
Women at the military
Some years ago the situation of women being part of the military was very strange and shocking for many people. This is because most of these persons believe that women do not have the capacity and power to become and live as soldiers. Women started at the military having the role of nurses, but currently this changed and now they have more participation in the army combat. Nowadays it is more normal to see or hear women getting involved in the military assuming this combat role.
It is an achievement of which all women should feel very proud about. Through years, women have been seen as weak or unable persons concerning the issue of the military combats. People’s perspective has been changing during the time with the outstanding and prominent participation that women have been giving in many armies around the world. Besides thinking on the dreadful feelings and experiences those women face while they are in their missions; I think that the feeling of honor of defending their country it is bigger. That is what pushes many of them to become part of the military.
It is truth that men have better physical skills, but I believe that women have better psychological skills to be part of the military. Women tend to lead better and be more disciplined and organized in terms of combat military operations. So this is like a combination in which one needs to work with the other; both men’s physical skills and women’s psychological skills are needed. This is what makes a balance in those military operations; therefore, women are really necessary in the army.
In the military women pass through terrible experience such as harassment, sexual violence, discrimination, and other situations, but in most cases these experiences do not let women give up. This is a clear example of how strong women can be; emotionally speaking they are even more strong than some men. The role of women at the military is very important and meaningful; it makes me feel proud about it.
Posted by Skeisha at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Week 9- Entrepreneur
Little advice for becoming an Entrepreneur
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defined an entrepreneur as “One who organizes and assumes the risk of a business or enterprise.” Becoming an entrepreneur is a transforming experience. Nowadays, the number of entrepreneurs in the world is increasing surprisingly. People are developing courage attitudes. Few months ago, I had the opportunity of meting a woman who let me know her history, professionally speaking. She told me that she has a company of shampoo, which she started with a small business of three female employees. However, by the time of 2 years her products began to sell suddenly. And a result her business starts to grow and grow until this instant; now she is a famous entrepreneur. The main quality you need to have for making the decision of starting and running your own business, is certainly courage. But is also important to know that for becoming an entrepreneur this courage attitude must be accompanied of organization, perseverance, and responsibility.
To become an entrepreneur you need to have organization skills. This person requires to have very cleared his or her purposes and goals. All the jobs you need to reach to the business world; you must have them organized in a plan or agenda with the according date and time. It would be better to design your own work schedule. But taking in mind that you must accomplished each item in the schedule as how you scheduled it. These tips of organization will certainly make you start improving your own business project in order.
In addition,
to get involve in the business life and become a famous entrepreneur a person needs to be very responsible. The road that guides you to the entrepreneur life has several risks, and those risks you have to assume them with a responsible attitude. You need to have responsibility in every action you perform. Accomplishing with time and with quality all the jobs and tasks you need to achieve the business life. The more responsible you are, the more credibility you will have. This is how being very responsible you will become an exemplary business man or woman.

On the other hand perseverance and patience are qualities you need to develop to become an entrepreneur. Not everything you yearn in life you will have it in one day or month, every single thing has a process. This is way to start your enterprise; you need to have a lot of patience. This road will have numerous drawbacks; they could be situations, people, or suddenly problems that are not in your hands. For this you need to be a perseverant person, and try to ignore these obstacles because they could keep you away from your purposes and goals. But have in mind that when you fall; stand up and keep going. That is how perseverance and patience is really necessary to become an entrepreneur.
I believe that entrepreneurs are exemplary persons. We must learn fro
m them instead of envying them as how many people do. They are people that commonly started from a low level, and to achieve their success; they needed a huge courage attitude. But also organization, perseverance, and responsibility are necessary too. I hope these little advice help you to start running your own business or enterprise. Good luck!

“Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”
Robert H. Schuller
Robert H. Schuller
American reformed church Minister, entrepreneur, and author.
Posted by Skeisha at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Wewk 8- Buddhism Religion
Buddhism Religion
Religion is defined as the “Commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance. A personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.” This definition is according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. In the world there is a variety of religions; each one with different beliefs, scriptures, holidays, and rituals. But my essay is going to focus in the fourth largest religion of the world which is Buddhism. This religion was founded by Gautama Buddha in the 6th century BC; however, nowadays it has 376 million of followers who do not worship any God. They follow the noble eightfold path to lead a meaningful existence. Buddhism emphasizes on experiencing, rather than teaching or learning. The Buddhism religion has its own practices, beliefs, and holidays.
m incorporates a diversity of practices and rituals. These are intended to support in the road to enlightenment, and bring loads of blessings on each person and others around you. Devotion is an important part of the most Buddhist practices. They are devotional practices such as bowing, offering, pilgrimage, and chanting. Also the intricate and detailed prayers form part of their rituals. The meditation practice is the central to nearly all forms of Buddhism. It derives directly from the Buddha’s experiences and teachings. Buddhist meditation is a form of mental concentration which leads the followers to the spiritual freedom. These are few of the Buddhism’s practices and rituals.
Furthermore, Buddhism is a very interesting religion concerning its beliefs. Buddha is their only Master; Buddhist followers do not believe in the existence of a God who created and ruled the universe. The purpose of the followers’ lives is to develop empathy for all living beings without prejudice, and to achieve their happiness and peace. Regarding human nature, Buddhism believes that a human being is constituted of fives elements, namely physical form, feelings, ideations, mental developments, and awareness, which were combined at the time of each individual’s birth. They also believe in reincarnation and karma; and they all accept the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. These are some of the basic Buddhist beliefs.
In addition, Buddhism religion has its own holidays and manners of celebrating them. Buddhists followers have the occasion to celebrate and enjoy themselves. These days are moments of joy and happiness. The connotation of these holidays is mostly religious with a typical celebration. A festival day normally begi
ns with a visit to the local temple, where people offer food and other items to the monks and listen to a Dharma talk. In the afternoon, they will commonly distribute food to the poor, just to receive merit. Then, in the evening there is a ceremony in which people walk around a temple three times in honor of the Three Jewels. Finally, the day comes to end with the chanting of Buddha’s teaching and meditation. Three of the many holidays that Buddhism religion has are Abhidhamma Day, which celebration is on the full moon day in October, Bodhi Day which consists in the enlightenment day, and then the Avalokitesvara’s birthday celebrated on the full moon day in March. The rituals and holidays of the Buddhism religion are very out of the ordinary.
I believe that Buddhism is a very outgoing religion. It is full of interesting and detailed beliefs, practices, and holidays that characterize it as unique. It would be a fascinating experience for me to travel to some of the countries where Buddhism’s practices and rituals are strongly established. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follow him, like a shadow that never leaves him.” These are words of the Buddhism’s founder Gautama Buddha.

Furthermore, Buddhism is a very interesting religion concerning its beliefs. Buddha is their only Master; Buddhist followers do not believe in the existence of a God who created and ruled the universe. The purpose of the followers’ lives is to develop empathy for all living beings without prejudice, and to achieve their happiness and peace. Regarding human nature, Buddhism believes that a human being is constituted of fives elements, namely physical form, feelings, ideations, mental developments, and awareness, which were combined at the time of each individual’s birth. They also believe in reincarnation and karma; and they all accept the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. These are some of the basic Buddhist beliefs.
In addition, Buddhism religion has its own holidays and manners of celebrating them. Buddhists followers have the occasion to celebrate and enjoy themselves. These days are moments of joy and happiness. The connotation of these holidays is mostly religious with a typical celebration. A festival day normally begi

I believe that Buddhism is a very outgoing religion. It is full of interesting and detailed beliefs, practices, and holidays that characterize it as unique. It would be a fascinating experience for me to travel to some of the countries where Buddhism’s practices and rituals are strongly established. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follow him, like a shadow that never leaves him.” These are words of the Buddhism’s founder Gautama Buddha.
One famous Buddhist quote: "The Four Reliances"
First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words;
Second, rely on the teachings, not on the personality of the teacher;
Third, rely on real wisdom, not superficial interpretation;
And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom Mind, not on judgmental perceptions.
First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words;
Second, rely on the teachings, not on the personality of the teacher;
Third, rely on real wisdom, not superficial interpretation;
And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom Mind, not on judgmental perceptions.
Buddhist Temples. Buddhist facts. (s.f). Recovered on July 9 of 2010, from
Buddhism. Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. (s.f). Recovered on July 9 of 2010, from
The Noble Eightfold Path
In Buddhism, it is believed that one can escape from the vicious cycle of birth and death by following the noble eightfold path, consisting of the following eight steps:
• Right Actions
• Right Concentration
• Right Effort/Exercise
• Right Livelihood
• Right Mindfulness/Awareness
• Right Speech
• Right Thoughts
• Right Understanding
The Noble Eightfold Path
In Buddhism, it is believed that one can escape from the vicious cycle of birth and death by following the noble eightfold path, consisting of the following eight steps:
• Right Actions
• Right Concentration
• Right Effort/Exercise
• Right Livelihood
• Right Mindfulness/Awareness
• Right Speech
• Right Thoughts
• Right Understanding
The Four Noble Truths
The Four Noble Truths, forming the essence of Buddhism, are:
• The Noble Truth of Suffering (Dukkha)
• The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering (Samudaya)
• The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering (Nirodha)
• The Noble Truth that leads to the Extinction of Suffering (Magga)
Posted by Skeisha at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Week 7- Living in your country or living abroad

Contrast essay
June, 2010
June, 2010
Living in Costa Rica and living in China
I love my country Costa Rica. I would never change it for nothing. I enjoy of its nice and beautiful beaches, its green environment, its people, its food; every single thing of it. Therefore living abroad for example in a country like China would be very terrible for me. China is a country totally different from Costa Rica. It has customs, food, currency, beliefs, clothing, and other things that for us they seem very strange. If I had had to go and live to a country like China, I would have had to face a lot of barrages. My adaption to this country would not be something easy. It will be difficult for me to adapt to the Chinese languages, food, and people.
It would be very difficult for me to adapt to the Chinese languages. In the last years people have been developing a type of interest and curiosity to learn

Furthermore, food becomes an important aspect if one day I would have to go and live in China. China’s food is becoming extremely popular in other parts of the world. As whole country they have their own style and manner of preparing it. The cuisine in China and in Co

The adaption to Chinese people would be also difficult for me. Chinese people have been growing up with certain customs and culture. They have different

That’s why for all these reason, definitely it would be better for me to stay living in my wonderful country Costa Rica because there is nothing more beautiful than our country. Its people, belief, places, customs, clothing, and everything are wonderful. Finally I would just like to leave you with a Chinese proverb which is “If you fall seven times, get up eight.”
Posted by Skeisha at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Week 6- Damages to the environment
Damage to the environment, damage to ourselves
Nowadays we are living in a changing world. The weather is constantly changing. This is one of the many prices we have to pay for the huge damages we are causing to the environment. I have an uncle who works in a furniture company. By day this company workers have the job of logging around 2000 trees, “only by day!” This means that solely one company is weekly disappearing 14000 trees of the 30 percent of the world’s land area covered by forest. It was really shocking for me when I receive this information. It is totally a pitiful situation. Those kinds of harmful acts have serious impacts on the environment. The damage to the environment has powerful effects on every living creature. Pollution is one of the main ways of damaging the environment. Some of the effects to the environment are the damages to the ozone layer, the disappearance of animals, and the soil erosion.
The pollution that people is causing to the air develops serious damages on the
ozone layer. This is a skinny layer that protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. The discharges of destructive substances in the air are the ones responsible of harming this important layer of our surroundings. This critical situation cause in human’s health illnesses such as burning eyes and nose, cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damages. On the nature it has the consequence of making the plants unable to produce their own food; therefore we would have fruits and plants smaller and less nutritious. All these effects are caused by the damage we do to the air.

The damages that people are causing to the water develop the disappearance of many animals. The amount of materials and chemicals we throw to the rivers and oceans are causing alte
rations in this necessary liquid and the death of many animals. These concentrations of harmful materials affect the quality of the water, so by the time the animals, plants, and even humans drink from this pollute water they could develop several illnesses and even the death. People can get hepatitis by eating poisoned water. Plants could die by the extraction of this water with chemicals and consequently the fish and other aquatic creatures will die too. Unfortunately the whole ecosystem is going the experiment an imbalance. That’s how the damages that we cause to the water increase the disappearance of animals.

The damage that society is daily causing to the land develops effects such
as the soil erosion. The addition of undesirable matter mainly pesticides, and human’s activities such as mining and improper wastes cause the degradation of the soil. The activities of logging trees weaken the land. As a result the constructions of houses are falling to peaces because of the weakness of the soil. These logging activities also develop lack of energy of the rivers cause. Furthermore, the territorial animals are facing troubles like staying homeless or losing their relatives. The pollution and harms to the land is developing problems as the soil erosion.

Humans should make more conscious about polluting our own world. Pollution is as a circle; the damages are going to come back to us and affect our life style. Humans should control themselves and think deeply in the effects and damages they are causing to the environment, and simultaneously to their lives. People are damaging their own life resources which are the air, water and soil. So, how could we expect will be our future or our children future?
“We talked about natural resources as if everything had a price tag. But we cannot buy spiritual values in a store. The things that stimulate our minds are intangibles: the old forest, a river course, the flight of an eagle, the howl of a wolf, space and quiet without the noise of engines. These are the values that people seek and that everyone needs.”
George B. Schaller
Posted by Skeisha at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Week 5- Ways to achieve success
The success in your hands
“A successful life.” How do we achieve it? This is a very common question. We used to see those successful persons, and ask ourselves how they could get there. As how the British politician Winston Churchill said “Success is learning to go from failure to failure without despair” Life is a very hard process, and to become successful persons is even more difficult but no impossible. To attain success a person needs to trust in him or herself, work with love and effort, and be kind with others.
The way to achieve success is to trust in your own self; everything starts from you. To attain success the most important thing is to have a very strong trust in you. Successful people have to encounter critical situations and difficulties because there will be many people looking how to make you remove from your objectives. But life is not easy, and by the time those successful persons failed; they keep on trusting in themselves. When they fell down, they just stood with a stronger impulse to struggle against those interruptions. You need to have the faith that you will achieve all the goals you propose. Success is also achieved by maintaining a good attitude and thinking good toward your own self. A positive mind and the power of trusting in you and only in you will make you reach the success. This is how trusting in your own self is a way to attain success.
To attain success a person needs to work and do everything with love, passion, and effort. If you act without passion, or in a careless way you will probably never realize your dreams. Performing with effort and love the steps you need to attain success will provide you an easy way to achieve them. Everything you do, you have to do it with much care and a feeling of affection. That’s why working and doing everything with love and effort you will become a successful person.
Moreover, a person who wants to attain success needs to be kind with others. To achieve success we need to be a person with feelings. The achievement of our success does not mean that we would have to pass over others, or to have rude attitudes and be condescending. A successful person needs to have very clear his or her objectives but not solely thinking on his or herself. You must love and respect others. So you will become a nice example of success for others. Disrespectful behaviors will only lead you to be unable to achieve anything in life. A successful person needs to leave selfishness a side. Success cannot be achieved by beating others. That’s why to achieve success you need to be king with others.
Success is not something easy, but neither impossible to achieve. To conclude I would like to leave you with the words of Colin Powell “There are no secrets to success.

Posted by Skeisha at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Week 4- Advantages and disadvantages of lying
Advantages and Disadvantages of lying
Have you ever lain? How many times per day do you lie? In high school I had a friend who was an addict to lying and to cheat others. He could never say the truth, even when he wanted to. As a liar this makes nobody could ever trust him anymore. He also had the habit to make plagiarism and to cheat his teachers with his high school assignments. The principal objective of this type of people is to hide the true and deceive others. Lying is a behavior very common in our society. The poor lie, the rich lie, and of course many of the political leaders are full of lies and promises that they have never accomplished, but the questions are: Why should not we lie? How is a liar’s life? Which are the disadvantages of lying? Which are the advantages of lying to people?
How is a liar’s life? The liars tend to live in a fantasy and false world. They always try to persuade others; making people think they are someone who they really aren’t. They tend to do it to call the attention or to brag about something they did not have. Liars also have to be alert and have a good memory to remember all the lies they had said before not to cause confusion. This life is not a peaceful one; it is a terrible unbalanced life.
Which are the disadvantages of lying? Lying has a lot of disadvantages and several consequences. Someone who constantly lies to others will make people never trust in them anymore; having the risk of losing their friends, job, and relatives. This may cause the anger of those who are around you loving and taking care of you. Before thinking to become a liar person you must keep in mind the words of t
he Greek philosopher Aristotle “The liar’s punishment is not to be believed, even when telling the truth”. One lie is follow by another, or by twenty lies more. Because after someone begins saying a small lie he or she has to keep saying more and more lies to make they believe the first one. A person who deceives or lies would never have clean and correct paths. Most of the time people tend to lie for escape from troubles, but it is worse to lie because after we did it; we will create a bunch of small troubles that will end in a bigger problem. Lies guide a person to serious and dangerous consequences because one day they will be uncovered.
Which are the advantages of lying to people? Lying could also have some advantages too. By the time a liar tells a lie; he or she has the opportunity to experience for a short moment the feeling of victory and personal satisfaction because they achieve her or his objective which is to deceive others. A lie could also rescue someone’s life. It could be the easier way to do not break down the feeling or the self- esteem of a friend or a close relative. It may also make someone heals or feels physically better.
Well, I think that lying will be always the wrong way we could ever choose because it has more disadvantages than advantages. Saying the truth is always correct, but the only thing is that we have to learn how to say it in a polite manner without hurting people’s feelings. It is also important to know that people will always be thankful for tell them the true, even though, they get depress or mad for it, but you will after receive a thanks from them. The words of the Greco-Roman philosopher Phrygia Epictetus are very significant for me “The truth alone triumphs, falsehood always need complicity.” Reaching to the conclusion that definitely be an honest person and say true must be always the best policy.
How is a liar’s life? The liars tend to live in a fantasy and false world. They always try to persuade others; making people think they are someone who they really aren’t. They tend to do it to call the attention or to brag about something they did not have. Liars also have to be alert and have a good memory to remember all the lies they had said before not to cause confusion. This life is not a peaceful one; it is a terrible unbalanced life.
Which are the disadvantages of lying? Lying has a lot of disadvantages and several consequences. Someone who constantly lies to others will make people never trust in them anymore; having the risk of losing their friends, job, and relatives. This may cause the anger of those who are around you loving and taking care of you. Before thinking to become a liar person you must keep in mind the words of t

Which are the advantages of lying to people? Lying could also have some advantages too. By the time a liar tells a lie; he or she has the opportunity to experience for a short moment the feeling of victory and personal satisfaction because they achieve her or his objective which is to deceive others. A lie could also rescue someone’s life. It could be the easier way to do not break down the feeling or the self- esteem of a friend or a close relative. It may also make someone heals or feels physically better.
Well, I think that lying will be always the wrong way we could ever choose because it has more disadvantages than advantages. Saying the truth is always correct, but the only thing is that we have to learn how to say it in a polite manner without hurting people’s feelings. It is also important to know that people will always be thankful for tell them the true, even though, they get depress or mad for it, but you will after receive a thanks from them. The words of the Greco-Roman philosopher Phrygia Epictetus are very significant for me “The truth alone triumphs, falsehood always need complicity.” Reaching to the conclusion that definitely be an honest person and say true must be always the best policy.
Posted by Skeisha at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Week 3- Innovation week essay
Innovation week activity with Ms. Silvia Castro
The best education
Is it true that Costa Rica is a country characterized by having one of the best education systems in the world? Education must be improved by teachers with a very clear understanding of how important is the job that they have been performing, which is to form and instruct persons. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary the word “educate” means: “To provide with schooling. To develops mentally and morally; also to provide with information.” Teachers are the ones that contribute in the formation, education and instruction of good citizens for the future. So in my opinion this job must be performed in a responsible and significant manner. Educators must improve their classes in a dynamic, interactive and innovative way.
Teachers should teach in a very dynamic way. Classes must be the most exciting process of learning in our life. Not always the same story of everyday. Professors must teach their classes with much enthusiasm. Trying not to become the classes heavily and tedious for the students. Teachers also must have the initiative to make some classes different from the instructional package that had been established. They must give the lessons with different and motivating activities improving the topics in a very dynamic form never turning off from the purpose of the lesson. So it not will be one day more of the boring schedule on the contrary; it will encourage the pupils to feel more thrilled about keeping on in learning process. It also will maintain the students more alert and focused on the topic. Pedagogues must also take in account the issue of that every single student has a different manner to learn, so they ought to improve their lessons in many difference ways. That’s why professors must make dynamical classes.
Pedagogues must also instruct classes in an innovative way. Teachers must introduce teaching strategies more adapted to our globalized world. The use of technical tools will draw the pupil’s attention. Classes improved with innovative methods will guide the students to face the actual technological world with a strong sword, which is the knowledge about it. It will also prepare them to become good users and masters of this advanced tools by the time they begin working. An innovative environment is important in the construction of the students because by more rich is an environment it increases and activates more neurons of the brain. Educators must have innovative manners of teaching.
In addition, professors must improve classes with more interaction between students and the teacher. There must be a close connection and communication between both. The educator must have the initiative to encourage or give their pupils the opportunity to participate and give their opinions, contributions or doubts about the topic. In lessons there must exist a continuing exchange with dialogues and formal discussions. This will make the classes more attractive and interesting for all who is in the classroom; and also it will lead the schoolchildren to be more inquisitive. Pedagogues must establish a trusting relationship with their kids. An open and direct communication with them will be the greatest thing they should do. They must leave the pupils contribute and express themselves respectfully with their perspective about the topic. That’s why interactive lessons must be improved by teachers.
Classrooms are full of eclectic students, so the job of teaching is not a very easy labor. Teacher must be responsible of the learning of each one of them. In a near future I am going to be in this same position; and I hope to do it the better I can, but now I will like to just motivate all the educators to teach with love and passion. If they do it, they would develop excellent results. Professors are the ones charge of stimulating their students to become good and prominent professionals. Teachers must improve their classes based on teaching methods more dynamical, interactive and innovative.
Posted by Skeisha at 8:19 PM 0 comments
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