Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 4- Advantages and disadvantages of lying

Advantages and Disadvantages of lying

Have you ever lain? How many times per day do you lie? In high school I had a friend who was an addict to lying and to cheat others. He could never say the truth, even when he wanted to. As a liar this makes nobody could ever trust him anymore. He also had the habit to make plagiarism and to cheat his teachers with his high school assignments. The principal objective of this type of people is to hide the true and deceive others. Lying is a behavior very common in our society. The poor lie, the rich lie, and of course many of the political leaders are full of lies and promises that they have never accomplished, but the questions are: Why should not we lie? How is a liar’s life? Which are the disadvantages of lying? Which are the advantages of lying to people?

How is a liar’s life? The liars tend to live in a fantasy and false world. They always try to persuade others; making people think they are someone who they really aren’t. They tend to do it to call the attention or to brag about something they did not have. Liars also have to be alert and have a good memory to remember all the lies they had said before not to cause confusion. This life is not a peaceful one; it is
a terrible unbalanced life.

Which are the disadvantages of lying? Lying has a lot of disadvantages and several consequences. Someone who constantly lies to others will make people neve
r trust in them anymore; having the risk of losing their friends, job, and relatives. This may cause the anger of those who are around you loving and taking care of you. Before thinking to become a liar person you must keep in mind the words of the Greek philosopher Aristotle “The liar’s punishment is not to be believed, even when telling the truth”. One lie is follow by another, or by twenty lies more. Because after someone begins saying a small lie he or she has to keep saying more and more lies to make they believe the first one. A person who deceives or lies would never have clean and correct paths. Most of the time people tend to lie for escape from troubles, but it is worse to lie because after we did it; we will create a bunch of small troubles that will end in a bigger problem. Lies guide a person to serious and dangerous consequences because one day they will be uncovered.

Which are the advantages of lying to people? Lying could also have some advantages too. By the time a liar tells a lie; he or she has the opportunity to experience for a short moment the feeling of victory and personal satisfaction because they achieve her or his objective which is to deceive others. A lie could also rescue someone’s life. It could be the easier way to do not break down the feeling or the self- esteem of a friend or a close relative. It may also make someone heals or feels physically better.

Well, I think that lying will be always the wrong way we could ever choose because it has more disadvantages than advantages. Saying the truth is always correct, but the only thing is that we have to learn how to say it in a polite manner without hurting people’s feelings. It is also important to know that people will always be thankful for tell them the true, even though, they get depress or mad for it, but you will after receive a thanks from them. The words of the Greco-Roman philosopher Phrygia Epictetus are very significant for me “The truth alone triumphs, falsehood always need complicity.” Reaching to the conclusion that definitely be an honest person and say true must be always the best policy.

