Damage to the environment, damage to ourselves
Nowadays we are living in a changing world. The weather is constantly changing. This is one of the many prices we have to pay for the huge damages we are causing to the environment. I have an uncle who works in a furniture company. By day this company workers have the job of logging around 2000 trees, “only by day!” This means that solely one company is weekly disappearing 14000 trees of the 30 percent of the world’s land area covered by forest. It was really shocking for me when I receive this information. It is totally a pitiful situation. Those kinds of harmful acts have serious impacts on the environment. The damage to the environment has powerful effects on every living creature. Pollution is one of the main ways of damaging the environment. Some of the effects to the environment are the damages to the ozone layer, the disappearance of animals, and the soil erosion.
The pollution that people is causing to the air develops serious damages on the
ozone layer. This is a skinny layer that protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. The discharges of destructive substances in the air are the ones responsible of harming this important layer of our surroundings. This critical situation cause in human’s health illnesses such as burning eyes and nose, cancer, birth defects, brain and nerve damages. On the nature it has the consequence of making the plants unable to produce their own food; therefore we would have fruits and plants smaller and less nutritious. All these effects are caused by the damage we do to the air.

The damages that people are causing to the water develop the disappearance of many animals. The amount of materials and chemicals we throw to the rivers and oceans are causing alte
rations in this necessary liquid and the death of many animals. These concentrations of harmful materials affect the quality of the water, so by the time the animals, plants, and even humans drink from this pollute water they could develop several illnesses and even the death. People can get hepatitis by eating poisoned water. Plants could die by the extraction of this water with chemicals and consequently the fish and other aquatic creatures will die too. Unfortunately the whole ecosystem is going the experiment an imbalance. That’s how the damages that we cause to the water increase the disappearance of animals.

The damage that society is daily causing to the land develops effects such
as the soil erosion. The addition of undesirable matter mainly pesticides, and human’s activities such as mining and improper wastes cause the degradation of the soil. The activities of logging trees weaken the land. As a result the constructions of houses are falling to peaces because of the weakness of the soil. These logging activities also develop lack of energy of the rivers cause. Furthermore, the territorial animals are facing troubles like staying homeless or losing their relatives. The pollution and harms to the land is developing problems as the soil erosion.

Humans should make more conscious about polluting our own world. Pollution is as a circle; the damages are going to come back to us and affect our life style. Humans should control themselves and think deeply in the effects and damages they are causing to the environment, and simultaneously to their lives. People are damaging their own life resources which are the air, water and soil. So, how could we expect will be our future or our children future?
“We talked about natural resources as if everything had a price tag. But we cannot buy spiritual values in a store. The things that stimulate our minds are intangibles: the old forest, a river course, the flight of an eagle, the howl of a wolf, space and quiet without the noise of engines. These are the values that people seek and that everyone needs.”
George B. Schaller
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